How do you inspire your applicants? By commissioning Design4real, ebm-papst - a specialist for air and drive technology - has managed to cleverly combine detailed information, exciting field reports and insights into the respective location in its three new 360° recruiting videos. In the different tours, engineers, production employees as well as apprenticeship seekers are addressed. A protagonist from each occupational group leads through a film and talks about his or her everyday working life. We see ebm-papst through their eyes and learn about lean production from Juri the production employee, how great learning can be when you have a well-equipped and supervised training position from Melvin the trainee, but also what high-tech products ebm-papst develops - from Laura, the development engineer. But it's not just the pure day-to-day work that is depicted in the films, but also the many benefits that ebm-papst offers its employees. For example, the company's own bus lines, the canteen with the company's lunch-mades model, job cyclists, the numerous trainee projects or doing something good for the environment as an energy scout. There is something for everyone. Discover not only ebm-papst, but also an excellent way to present your company in 360° video. We will be happy to help you.
-Customer: ebm-papst
-Three 360° films on the subject of recruiting
-360° production shots
-360° tours
-Recorded with six cameras at different positions
-Varied and lively picture of the ebm-papst company.
-Samsung Gear VR APP for ebm-papst